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MailRobin - Better Email Editing & Sending

4.8 ( 8368 ratings )
ビジネス 仕事効率化
開発者 Tiger Ng
3.99 USD

MailRobin is a new way to compose content-rich, comprehensive, and personalized emails. You can also send emails to multiple recipients in very efficient way: separate email with different variables, no more copy and paste, and just one tap.

Content Creation
* Add title, paragraph, markdown, html, link, image to email body
* Add internet resources including youtube video, map image, online image to email body
* Use table layout to combine text and image (Content Block)
* Change overall font name, font size and line height
* Change background color or background image
* Images and signatures can be embedded within email
* Signature can contain rich text and image
* Define global variables to be used in content
* Each elements storage size, each attachments storage size, and total mails storage size are indicated for better managing mail size
* No more draft is needed: Elements and attachments are saved automatically

Contact Management
* Add recipients by creating new contact
* Import recipients from existing contacts or from existing mails.
* Search recipients by name

Attachment Creation
* Record your voice and attach audio recording file
* Add video as attachment
* Add multiple attachments
* Import files from Dropbox, Google Drive & OneDrive

Mail Management
* Mail content can be saved and retrieved for editing or resending
* Mail content is in HTML format

Requirement & Limitation
* Gmail account is needed
* Email is sent via Gmail API instead of SMTP
* The maximum mail size is 26 MB
* The maximum number of emails sent daily is 1000 (Quota can be reset by next day)

There are many use cases that MailRobin can control email content better and eliminate repeating tasks: sales can send newsletter to clients, job seekers can send resume to employers, teachers can send assignments to students.